Good Morning ...or Good Evening...when ever you might be reading this... just thought I would pop on another picture of a recently finished commission . Arthur Weasley, Patriarch of the beloved Weasley Family. As most know Arthur works at the Ministry of Magic in the Dept. of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts ... I am informed that this little miniature character will be placed by a desk in an office ...the desk filled with many 'muggle' items... I will get her to send me a picture and ask if it is OK to post here...I can't wait to see it. Working on Dumbledore at the moment...
Have a great day (or evening) everyone...Jodi
Jodi, he is real! how can you do that? I love it, can't wait to see Mrs Weasley as well, she is a favourite of mine
Jodi, He looks like he could step out of the photo and go to work on his muggle collections. Great work!
Morning Rosanna..
Thank You so much... the secret...'Red Hair'...I do LOVE Red Hair!! lol... I too am looking forward to creating Molly Weasley...a fav of mine as well...I just want to give her a Big Hug...and ask if she would knit me a top like she wears...she is like a wonderful old hippie.
I tried to figure out what I am doing wrong with posting pics...I wanted the second picture to go bigger when you click...never works for me...UGH!
Thanks again
Thanks so much Casey.... I loved the background for the first shot.... it seemed perfect for Arthur's work...
Thanks so much Joanna...I so appreciate your kind words...
Arthur is wonderful! I bet the client was tickled pink...or is that tartan?!!!
Have a FABULOUS day Jodi!
Chris (-'
Thanks Chris...yes she seemed pretty happy with dear Arthur... she commissioned Kingsley as well.
My day should be super...Richard and I are taking a few hours off to go Kayaking ...91 degrees here so will be wonderful on the calm lake...going down to Cat Tail Cove (15 minutes further down the higway) as Spring Breakers are here...HELP!!!!! Crazy Kids in the lake...one jumped off the London Bridge last evning (drunk as a skunk)...a few broken bones...geesh!
Thanks again
Incredible Jodi!
Big Hugs Sprite.....
He is one of our favourites Arthur, such a bumbling but kind character. Love your interpretation of him Jodi, he's just perfect. What lucky customers you have to own these masterpieces. Would love to see their dollhouses!!!
Looking forward to seeing Dumbledore,.... well I am and Im not cos I know I'll want him for our house !!!!!!!! LOL Kate and John xxx
Hello Kate and John...So happy to see that Arthur is your fav as well... both he and Molly are such 'nice' people...honest and true...everyones Mum and Dad...that's why I like them so...
Thank You so Much
Jodi you have excelled yourselves once again. Mr Weasley is perfect. really looking forward to seeing Dumbledore aka RH..
Jodi I looked on your web site for Mad Eye Moody as I was telling Nikki about him, but can't find a picture.
Could you post a picture on here of him. Pretty Please with Sugar on Top..
Hi Debbie...
Thank You Thank You...glad you like dear Arthur...so focused on his task!
Hmmm... wonder where that little devil MadEye is...I just went and looked (as I could not remember) he is in 'Our Newest Gallery' on the main page...I must get those in some kind of order...
But I will post a pic of him too...
Thanks again
Splendid.....just amazing. I love to see Richards photography as well !
Hmmm the lake and spring break...what a combination that is lol.
We did it once, 5 years ago. My friend from England had never been on a ski doo and was rather nervous to try. I persuaded her she'd be fine and Mick was safe etc. And what happened when they got down the river, the ski doo started taking on water and started to sink. Mick, like a true gent, swam to shore and told her to hang onto the front.
She was rescued by a boat load of cute college boys...her first words when she got off...."I hadn't even shaved my legs "
I had a 'storyboard' mouse mat made for her with the pics I took for the 5th anniversary of it this year. :-)
OMG Jayne....I laughed so hard at the 'shaved legs'...that is sooo typical of how women think (me me me) ...rescued...and saying "damn, wish I had shaved my legs"...LOLOL Thanks for sharing that....cool about the mouse pad! We gave up the idea of the lake today...to many crazies...we might hit it early early in the morning...while they are all still asleep and have hang overs...
Jodi, Awesome job on Arthur, I love it!! Do you ever have a hard time giving them up? Do you have any HP characters that you have kept? Great work!! I also can't wait to see Dumbledore!
LOL...she is such a girl huh :-)
I guess the funniest thing about that story is we'd literally only met her a few days before. No it wasn't some kind of strange internet threesome thing..she was the sister of a girl I worked with. I was coming over here to see Mick, she always wanted to go to the US so I said come along.
And then Mick took her out on the river and sunk her...poor girl !
Hi Jamie...
Yes..many times I do have a hard time giving up the character...but...when I know the doll/character is going to a good home...it gives me a very good feeling and not so sad... I look at dolls as children...I want them to be happy and be comfortable in their surroundings
This is always what I wish for our dolls...AND...as the mother of children (dolls)...I retain the 'right' of visitation!!!!! hee hee...we keep very few of our dolls...not that we don't want to...but we earn our living at this... and need to sell to pay mortgage... No, we don't have any HP characters that we have created...but I know where a good stand of them are...and we can visit any time....trust me...the dolls are VERY happy!!
Oh Jayne the story just gets more and more interesting...LOL...love it!
At least it broke the ice...no wait that would have been the very first day.
We took her for her first Mexican meal and she spent the night with one end over the toilet and the other over the bathtub...ooops.
Great way to start a friendship huh...give 'em food poisoning !
Wonder why she didn't come over for our wedding :-)
OK Jayne... you have GOT to stop now...my sides are splitting, LOLOLOL...I mean...I do feel badly for your friend...(been there done that kinda thing)..but the discreption of her American Holiday...WOW...it is the stuff that comedy shows are made of.....
I can see it now...I will be waking up in the middle of the night...snickering...
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