Just the other day I was doing a little light dusting on my fireplace mantle ... when I paused to reflect on my good fortune in the friends I have met here in 'Blogland' ...
The Friends that kindly passed on various 'Cyberblog' Awards to me... the kind folks that write such lovely comments... and that add their names to my 'Followers' list , the wonderful individuals that post my Blog and/or Web Site to their blogs... It really hit me at that moment how genuinely 'Nice' people can be ... this truly is like a big ongoing Blog 'Family Reunion' (only without the fighting or potato salad)...
I very proudly 'Display' my Awards on my Mantle...and give Thanks to one and all....
And please...any old time you feel like popping in for a chat , cup of tea, glass of wine... just use the Floo Network... it's always open!
Happy Sunday One and All
Looks Fab Jodi. What a nice idea.
I do agree with you about the blog world. Everyone has been so nice to me so far. Its also nice for everyone i would imagine because in the real world you can't chat to a doll artist at breakfast time, a flower artist at brunch, an iterior designer for lunch, a dressmaker for tea.... yes you get the idea!
The perfect place in my view if you love to create, have a natter and get other views.
I could go on and on as to how nice everyone is but then i'm sure we already know this by now.
Love how you've displayed your awards Jodi. Me thinks you have been playing with Photoshop..
If only I could get hold of some Floo powder, I'd pop over for a glass. x
Hi Jodi ~ SEE isn't blogging fun?!
I knew you would enjoy it once you got into it. '-)
LOVE the fireplace mantle pic...CUTE & VERY creative!
Thanks again for all your sweet posts on mine as well. You always know how to brighten someones day!
Thanks for being U!!!
Happy Sunday
Chris (-:
Lovely fireplace Jodi. I'm very happy I've come to know you and your work. You are truly a great artist. Mini hugs
Afternoon Nikki.....
I agree with all that you have said...where else can you find so much wonderful interaction with so many...
Afternoon Debbie...
Yes...guilty!! Found my way to the Photoshop program again...when I really should be doing other things...sigh!! But I do love it so...
So when you find that floo powder...do you prefer red or white?
Afternoon Chris...
I have You to Thank for getting me into Blogging Chris...you are the one that told me how fun it would be and you were first to post comments etc... Thank You for standing firmly behind me and giving that encouraging 'nudge' every so often...it worked...
Afternoon Rosanna...
Well Your sweetness and kind words help to make this Blog Experience a truly wonderful thing...
Thank You so much...
Aye Aye!
A good Red Merlot Jodi..
OOoh I wish we could Apparate into your workshop Jodi and Richard, we could just sit and watch you work and learn so much from your talent! Of course we could stop for a break of a couple of chocolate muffins oozing with hot chocolate sauce and a cup of tea, then back to work before back through that magical fireplace to pick up the children from school, , dinner, bath and bed!!( uhhhh reality sucks!!) Wish you could travel like that, I hate to fly ( by Plane!) Brilliant idea for displaying your well deserved awards.
Kate and John xx
Hi Sans...
GREAT to see you....
Thanks so much for the great thumbles up..
Have a great day
You got it Debbie.... I just happen to have a very Nice California Merlot in my wine rack...'pop' in any time...
That sounds absolutely wonderful Kate and John... I think that is one of the brilliant things about the Harry Potter Books/Movies ...they allow us to imagine and dream unlike we ever have before ...we all truly wish to believe it in all...and in truth...don't we...I mean...even just a little bit, I know I sure do...maybe if we all want it so badly and we think about it hard enough...it will happen as in the books...AHHHHH, life would be perfect then.
And that's my Nice Thought for the Day
Oj Jodi! I left an award for you on my blog! Thought that fireplace needed another! :-)
Definitely suiting up as a chimney sweep so I can go down that fireplace of yours!
BIG HUGS OOPSIE!!!! The Award looks Smashing on the Mantle... and I am putting on the pot of tea...see you in a few!
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