Happy Monday........or is it!!!! Truth be known, I go a little limp in the knees when Mondays roll around... you see, Mondays are normally 'Grocery Shopping' Days...stand back everyone...she's gonna faint!!! Now I don't know exactly when this strange phobia of 'Food Shopping' reared it's ugly head...or for what reason it did so...but it has...and that's that! Don't get me wrong, I love to cook and I do it pretty good (or so I have been told) but it's the actual shopping part that brings on the hebbie jeebies!! I make my lists prior to Monday...check it twice for mistakes or over buys (stuff I already have on hand but it is so far back in my cupboard that I forgot I had it...oh wait, there are actually 4 of those...OOPS! Time to do a little rotating!!)
I get dressed in actual street attire (a hard task in itself as 'sweats seem to be a fashion statement with me of late) ...I drive over to pick up my Mom to take her with me so that she can shop (and show off her highly detailed and organized shopping list...is it normal to alphabetize a shopping list???) anyway...we arrive at Smith's and it is at that point that I realize...I forgot my Freakin list........I think I might have a few screws loose or a death wish...not sure which, but this is a regular occurrence with me...I seriously am going to try duct taping the list to me next time!

My Mom at this point is busily bustling through the throngs of Happy Monday Shoppers.... while I stand and 'stare into space' with a look that I am sure scares small children and the faint of heart. Milk...yeah, I need that, bread...wouldn't hurt, Portuguese Sardines packed in Mustard oil...hmmmm I am pretty sure that was not on the list.
So I want to share with you all a method of shopping that I developed over the years for situations like this......the "Jodi's Guide to Glean Shopping "...
First off...Act Normal..grab the basket and just blend into the crowd...throw in 2-3 staples so that you don't look too suspicious... now as you are walking slowly down the food aisles...take quick short glances into others carts...quickly now...and DON'T STARE...otherwise they will be onto you. Notice what they have in their carts...take a good mental picture and then 'go and get that item'.... walk up and down each aisle... not to closely to the shopper in front of you...Tailgate Gleaning is a NO NO! ....Just slowly walk past them, saying excuse me...flash a big smile and then look into their basket as you pass...'snap'click' 'snap' take that mental picture...now back track and grab what you saw.... I have actually prepared wonderful meals for the week just by looking and thinking...hmmm ...they are having spaghetti, Pot Roast...YUM, is that Tilapia ? sounds good!!! And there you have it....Forget you list..not to worry...just glean ideas and products from others...works like a charm!!! Of course... there were those times in the beginning when I came home with bunion ointment, rudabeggas, pickled pigs feet and a extra large pack of 'Huggies' ...I was inexperienced back then... and got caught up in the moment! Now I know when to hold em and when to fold em...
It's an Art Form ...and saves you from those 'Listless' Monday's
Have Fun....(now where did I put that duct tape?)

WELL ~ Jodi that was funnier than ANY "Funny 4 the Day" I've posted on mine!!!
LOLOLOLOLOLOL ~ Thanx 4 the Monday laugh!!! ~ LOLOLOLOLOLOL :-P)
Pst: I HATE grocery shopping as well...great minds think alike AGAIN! '-)
Have FUN!!! Hehe
PS: I WOULD have added you to my blog awards roster today...BUT I had a "feeling" you might be blog awarded out about now...I could be wrong '-)
SO I present thee award in "spirit!"
CAUSE your blog is FAB dahling!!!
Chris (-:
Hey Chris....So YOU hate shopping as much as I do...you are right, great minds!! I am not sure if I actually hate it so much as 'dread' the thought of it ..much like a cold sore before that big date....UGH!
Now I must go over and see your Laugh for the day...I always look forward to those....
Ah ,Laughter...it's the elixir of the Gods!!
Have a Good One
Bless You Heart...I will accept in Spirit!!! Happily!!!
PPS: I added you to my blog awards roster...last BUT not least!!! '-)
Like I said participation is purely optional, and your blog IS one of my FAVORITES!!!
OK I have to get off this computer and get some stuff done today. :-O)
PMSL Jodi I detest going food shopping. I always forget something. Your description had me laughing in the aisles.. (Excuse the Pun)
Oh Chris... How wonderful are you!!...it always means so much when a 'friend' bestows thought and caring upon you...
Thank You my Friend...I accept with honor.
Morning Debbie....
It seems to be a trait that many of us dislike beyond words...
I guess the way I escape the drudgery of 'Monday's' is to make up games.... plus if you act 'just Nuts Enough' in the store...I find that shoppers many times give you 'Cutsies' in the checkout line...for fear you will hurt them...lol! I am sooo bad...kidding of course....or AM I!!!lol...
He he ,With you on this one Jodi, but I dont know what i hate most, the actual grocery shopping or getting back, having to unload it all and put it all away!! Thats when the balancing act occurs of trying to shove in 10 tins into a larder that hasnt used up the last 3 weeks worth of 10 tins yet!
Mind you Im better at it than John who spends a months food budget on cakes, biscuits, wine, well , just about everything other than any stuff you can actually make a dinner out of! Dont get me wrong I could live on white wine and chocolate every day of the week but the children poor things do have to learn that healthy eating dosnt mean A giant sized Toblerone and box of Chardonnay!:-)
LOL Kate xx
I so, so, so hate food shopping and hardly ever go. Instead i write the list after searching an entire house for a pen that half works, then i give this ever so long list to my husband.
Last time i went to a supermarket i didn't have a clue where anything was and just bought cleaning products. My middle son Patrick age 13 knew where it all was, which made me feel quite useless. So i went to my favorite aisle which is the cleaning section, closely follwed by the shampoos and creams etc.
I do however love to cook something special but every day food bores me to tears and again make my husband cook.
He does all this cooking because i make him lots of promises i never ever keep...lol.
Sending husbands, mothers, sisters etc in your place is a much better idea.
I'm also much the same with clothes shopping and feel sick if i'm longer than 5 mins looking.
I do however adore book shops and make myself quite comfy once there. The same with craft shops and could stay until closing. Shame they never make me a coffee...lol
The blurred aisles in your photos are how i feel when in a shop. It's just all too much at once and can't cope and so everything goes out of focus... lol
Waffled enough now... Nikki x
Hi Jodi ~ and Richard...
I found you!
I was so happy to see you blogging...
Hi Nikki...
Sounds like we have a lot in common...when I can (which is not to often) I get Richard to go to the market for me.... I too HATE clothes shopping...never have been a clothes horse...even when I was much thinner and much younger...I made most everything I wore (still do) ...I too felt the same way about the 'Blurry Aisle' pics...it seemed so realistic...
Thanks for stopping by
Dear Pat...is that You!!! Great to see you.... wait till I tell Mom that I saw 'skippy'...she is fine by the by...
Great to know you are blogging too...I love Blog Land
Hope you pop in again..
Big Hugs
Jodi and Richard
LOL Kate...I love that ...
***Dont get me wrong I could live on white wine and chocolate every day of the week but the children poor things do have to learn that healthy eating dosnt mean A giant sized Toblerone and box of Chardonnay!:-) ****
And I like John's approach to shopping...with the cakes and goodies...my true weakness... Richard on the other hand does not 'do' sweets...I mean WHO IS THEIR RIGHT MIND...does not do Sweets!! I always knew the man had a screw loose..
Thanks for popping in...
You are always an inspiration!!! Mini Hugs, Jean
Good Morning Jean...
Thank You kindly for your very sweet words...
Have a Super Tuesday
Happy St. Patrick's day Jodi! :-)
SpOOky Best,
Chris (-:
Ugh...I hate shopping with a passion. Even more so in the US than when I lived in the UK. There is just too much variety here..I mean, really, how many variations of orange juice does the consumer need...insanity !
As for a list….well I may sound like your Mother here but I am pretty regimented...It is the only way I can cope with it.
I have 1 master list.....it gets printed off, stuck on the fridge and I highlight the things I need as I use them. It isn’t in alphabetical order but it is in sections, deli, frozen, bakery etc and it is in the same order that the store is laid out.
When Mick shoots off to get fiber bars before I’ve got the coffee I get totally confused :-)
But of course, you still have to remember to take the list !
Hi Jayne..
Yes...you do sound like my Mom...do you think that possibly they was a switch at Birth with kids...OH PLEASE say Yes...as that would make me ever so much younger!!!
In my youth...I was VERY organized....prided myself in order and neat penmenship...now, I could give a flying Fig!LOL...
Sounds like many of us are in the same boat shoping wise...and I totally agree ...WAAAAY to many choices these days in the food aisle... especially the cereal aisle...OUCH!!
Happy Day
Leprechauns, Castles, Good Luck & Laughter. Lullabies, Dreams & Love Ever After...
Great post! I told Tom, if I have to do all the cooking & cleaning, then he has to do all the grocery shopping. I think he enjoys it, weird huh! Of course he is given a list with categorized product headers, company's preferred & amounts, not to mention how to smell in season fruits & vegetables for freshness.
Of course, I clean everything & restock our shelves & fridge, while he snacks on his latest entrées & goodies...
XOXOs, Lyndy >^..^<
Happy St. Pattys Day to you Too Lyndy...
Sounds like you and Tom have a great system worked out...Men really do make pretty good shoppers... accept when Richard goes with me...we spend way to much... and I pride myself on 'In and Out' ...he doddles!!
Happy Day...making my corned beef even as I type this...love the smell...cabbage, Corned Beef, Carrots and potatoes ... and a side of horseradish and sour cream...Lemon Cake with Pecans for dessert...and of course my trusty Wine. This is our Veg Out Night...good TV 'Boston Legal'
LOL!!! Finally someone else who admits to grocery phobia! Maybe it's the day....I shop on Mondays too and I don't know if it's a latent control freak nature trying to rear it's ugly head....but Sunday nights are usually me going around muttering, "....wonder if there's anything I forgot to put on the LIST?"
Don't even mention clothes shopping!
Have a good week!
Great post!! I am the same way! DH does our grocery shopping because I usually get 90% of what is not on the list. :)
Good Morning Angela...
Sounds like we are Simpatico! And like you said..."don't get me started on clothes shopping"...hee hee...that's a whole other blog I feel coming on!!!
Good Morning Tina...
Thanks for stopping by... my DH will do it when I ask at just the right time, not a moment sooner. It's not that he minds...it is just that we both know he is one of those visual shoppers...'He Sees it...and MUST put it in the basket"...not matter what it is...I send him for 5 items...he returns with 6 bags!! On the upside, I find out all about 'New' products this way...
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